Friday, June 3, 2016

A Place for Outdoor Cooking along the Central Coast

Hi all!!

We're Ron and Len, just a couple of barbecue and smoking fanatics wanting to keep a journal of our outdoor cooking exploits as we learn to master my new outdoor grill, Humphey's Smoker, and my Santa Maria Grill.

This little experiment will be a blast as while Ron is the more meticulous on working from a plan, I tend to be the free spirit kind - opening the spice cabinet and pantry to just use what the mood strikes me to use. So between the two of us we should end up with lots of 'interesting' concoctions. Some will work and some won't but the adventure should be worth the trip. We will have pictures, recipes, and honest opinions of how the stuff works.

To start here's a couple pictures of our 'lab'

Only thing missing is the Santa Maria Grill, which we'll add soon.

So come back often as we start to post our grilling and smoking experiments.

So Happy Grilling Everyone
